
You are near to the broken hearted

You are near to those lost

Your faithfulness to us

Came at a great cost

You don’t see our iniquity

You don’t see our faults

Your Son paid that price

On the cross

We live in a world

Where questions abound

Doubt seeps in

And hopelessness is found

But Your Word and truth

Gives hope

Your voice and forgiveness

Helps us to cope

Every moment brings a new promise

A new sunrise and change

Every prayer makes us feel heard

And gives us hope for the next day

His Will, Way and Timing

I envisioned the path I wanted, so I toiled day and night to prepare it. I cleared out the brush, smoothed the gravel and started to put on my shoes.

I knew exactly what this path would bring, or so I conceded: love, long life, happiness, everything a girl could dream.

So I began my petition “Please Lord, oh bless this road I built. Let me have it. You see how perfect it is to be used for your will.” But He just kept telling me “Be still”.

The brush kept growing over. Soon barriers started popping up. “Lord what are you doing? Are You saying no to my request?” So, I’d clear it again, pray harder this time, keep working, never to rest.

Until the brush grew so tall, there was no way around it. My way was blocked with no recourse. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. So, I sat and mourned, questioned and screamed.

Then one day the brush shriveled up, the weeds crumbled to dirt and the path was clear. But now it looked like a brand new road – a tree lined path with a refreshing breeze. And this is what the Lord said to me:

“While you were toiling and spinning your wheels, I saw just what was in need. I saw the undergrowth that would be popping up on your way. I saw hazards and choking weeds. I allowed the brush to stop you, so I could finish my work and make this path the best it could be. Now go on my dear, we’ll journey from here on this path you’ve entrusted to me.”

Divine Guidance

You will make a way through this uncertain road

You’ll clear a path and illuminate my stepping stones.

Where will you take me? You will not say.

Only that you love me and you know the way.

Along the path my Lord leads me, whispering as we go.

Invisible safety embraces me disguised as a “not now” or a “no”.

Holding me to say “wait”, releasing me when it’s time to go.

Where he is leading me, I don’t yet need to know.


My name is discernment

Trust what I reveal and know

I show you the hidden things

You’d otherwise never be told

I show you opportunities for blessing

And how to count sorrow as joy

I whisper God’s wisdom 

Amid this world’s noise

I sense when something new is brewing

When it is time to block an attack

I sense calmness and times to be still

When to move on and when to hold back

I’m a gift, don’t ignore me

Shut me out or throw me away

Embrace me and listen

Trust what I say